Our unique network of BFGoodrich Off-Road Centres are recognised as BFGoodrich ambassadors and opinion leaders within the 4x4 community. A place where you can receive expert advice from people that share your passion!
Look out for the official BFGoodrich Tires Off-Road Centre logo at your nearest dealer (as seen below).

Gauteng | ||
Tyre Clinic Alberton | Tyremart Allensnek | Tyre Mart Centurion |
26 St Columb Road Alberton | Cnr Hendrik Potgieter & Jim Fouche, Allen's Nek, Roodepoort | Silver Creek Shopping Centre, Cnr Hendrik Verwoerd Dr & Galway Ave, Hennopspark Ex 25, Centurion |
jaco@albertontyreclinic.co.za | allensnek@thomastyres.co.za | centurion@autowiel.co.za |
(011) 907 8495 | 011 475-8363 | 012 653-5470 |
Latitude -26.2717450000000 | Latitude -26.1334000000000 | Latitude -25.8623000000000 |
Longitude 28.1229920000000 | Longitude 27.9134000000000 | Longitude 28.1671000000000 |
Tyremart Centurion CBD | Tyremart Gezina | Tyremart Hatfield |
Cnr Kersieboom & South Street Centurion | 568 Voortrekker Street, Gezina | Cnr Park & Grosvenor Street, Hatfield, Pretoria |
centurioncbd@autowiel.co.za | gezina@autowiel.co.za | hatfield@autowiel.co.za |
(012) 663-4788 | 012 335-0147 | 012 362-7097 |
Latitude -25.8625000000000 | Latitude -25.7153000000000 | Latitude -25.7490000000000 |
Longitude 28.1909000000000 | Longitude 28.2024000000000 | Longitude 28.2374000000000 |
Tyremart Menlyn | ||
275 Bali Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria | ||
autotyre@autowiel.co.za | ||
012 348-2883 | ||
Latitude -25.7895000000000 | ||
Longitude 28.2743000000000 |
Western Cape | |
Tyremart Bellville | Tyremart Milnerton |
171 Durban Road, Bellville | Cnr Bosmansdam & Koeberg Roads, Milnerton |
tyremartdweg@primatyre.co.za | tyremartmilnerton@webmail.co.za |
021 949-2120 | 021 552-6012 |
Latitude -33.8913000000000 | Latitude -33.8777854000000 |
Longitude 18.6314000000000 | Longitude 21.2441006000000 |
Kwa-Zulu Natal |
Tyre Mart Waterfall |
Shop 1 Lot 237 Waterfall EXT Linkhall |
waterfall@tyremartkzn.co.za |
(031) 763 5345 |
Latitude: -29.7508590000000 |
Longitude: 30.8147140000000 |
Free State | |
Fleurdal Tyre Mart | Goudveld Bande |
123 Curie Ave, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein | 1 Hertzog Street, Henneman |
marco@prideintyres.co.za | goudveldtyres@mweb.co.za |
051 522-8378 | 057 573-2793 |
Latitude -29.1540000000000 | Latitude -27,9721214000000 |
Longitude 26.1887000000000 | Longitude 27,0222645000000 |
Eastern Cape |
Tyre Mart Vincent Park East London |
Bell Road, Vincent Park, East London |
tyremartvp@telkomsa.net |
043 726-2515 |
Latitude -32.9826000000000 |
Longitude 27.9002000000000 |
Limpopo |
Hi Q |
R37 Engen Garage Centre Burgerfort |
piet@burbande.co.za |
013) 231 8126 |
Latitude: -24.6641620000000 |
Longitude: 30.3122980000000 |
Northern Cape | |
Fit It Kathu | Fit It Upington |
Kameeldoring B4334 Khatu 8446 | C/o Lutz & Le Roux str Upington, 8800 |
rudi@fitit.biz | henk@fitit.biz |
(053) 723 1115 | (054)331 1999 |
Latitude: -27.7041562000000 | Latitude: -28.4572935000000 |
Longitude: 23.0430823000000 | Longitude: 21.2441006000000 |